Fees and Licenses

New Car Registration (From A Dealership)

When registering a new vehicle purchased from a dealership please provide the following paperwork:

Proof of insurance.
White title application (formerly blue).
Proof of sales tax paid.

Please have your vehicle's current mileage. If the vehicle is new, please include the window sticker with the paperwork.  Please be advised - No New Registrations will be processed 45 minutes before closing time.

New Car Registration (From An Individual)

When registering a new vehicle purchased from an individual please provide the following paperwork:

Proof of insurance.
Bill of sale.
Effective January 1, 2024 - Any vehicle 1999 or newer require a title.

Please have your vehicle's current mileage.  Please be advised - No New Registrations will be processed 45 minutes before closing time.

Dog Licensing

New year stickers are received in October each year and licensing will begin at that time.

$6.00 for dogs that have been spay/neutered.
$11.00 for dogs that have not been spay or neutered.

You need to provide proof of rabies shots and a spay/neutering certificate.

If registering your dog after January 31st, a $25.00 late fee (per dog) will be charged.

Snowmobile Registrations
Resident $60.00
Non-Resident (Snow Season) $124.00
Non-Resident 3-Day $79.00
Non-Resident 10-Day $104.00
ATV Registrations
Resident $75.00
Non-Resident Full Season $120.00
Non-Resident 7-day $105.00
Building Permits
Building Fees
Unconditioned Space $0.20 / sq ft
Conditioned Space $0.30 / sq ft
Plumbing Fees
Septic System $265.00
Internal Plumbing Minimum $40.00
$10.00 / Fixture
Concealed Weapons Permits
New Permit $35.00
Renewal $20.00
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
Combination $45.00
Hunting $28.00
Fishing $27.00
Jr Hunting $10.00
Bear $12.00
Coyote $6.00
Migratory Bird $7.50
Spring/Fall Turkey $22.00
Muzzleload $14.00
Archery $27.00
Archery Fish $45.00
Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates
Certified Copy $15.00
Additional Copy $6.00
Marriage License $40.00

When applying for marriage, if either party is divorced, please bring in the most recent divorce decree.

Landfill Fees
Yearly Landfill Permit $5.00
Mattress Fee (per mattress, if not broken down) $20.00
Any Item w/Freon $15.00
Cemetery Plot $100.00
Each Single Lot $20.00
Faxes & Photo Copies
Send Faxes
First 3 Pages (Local Call) $1.00
First 3 Pages (Toll Call) $3.00
Additional pages $0.25 each
Receive Faxes
First 3 Pages $1.00
Additional Pages $0.25 each
Photo Copies
8 1/2 x 11 $0.15 each
11 x 17 $0.25 each